Arise 第三季: 跟随基督的脚踪

The theme of the Sixth Session, “Called to Arise”, is an encouragement to put into practice what we have shared. In Breaking open our story we find a sharing about the courage of the Bishops of Malawi to speak out for justice. The biblical text for our sharing is The last Judgment (Matthew 25;31-46). An interesting sharing can be: If I had to retell the Las judgment parable for our society, what kind of action toward what kind of people would I list? What can we do personally and as a community for those in need around us? Sunday Gospel: Mt. 25:1-13. “’Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’… Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

「起来! 在基督内共融」:
「起来! 在基督内共融」 是我们团体2016暑假后展开的一个为期三年的堂区活动。这是继数年前我们团体曾两次举办的「更新运动」的延续。其目的是在我们准堂区内建立更多新的信仰小组。稍后我们会陆续公布更多详情。敬请大家关注, 并为此意向祈祷。
“Arise! Together in Christ”, is the name of a three years program for parishes that our Mission began after the 2016 summer break. This program is the development of the early “Renew” program in which our community take part many years ago. The goal of this program is the formation of new faith groups across our Mission. We will soon give you updates. Please keep it in your prayer for this intention!

作者: 古伟业
“你们不可与此世同化,反而应以更新的心思变化自己” (罗 12:2)

第一季: 基督在我内,
第二季: 悔改和皈依,
第三季: 跟随基督的脚踪,
第四季: 心灵的更新,
第五季: 传给人。



什么是更新运动?为什么我们团体要再一次的推行?『更新』与其説是一种运动,勿宁説是一种『陶成过程』(Formation) ,希望藉着这个陶成方法帮助我们不只是认识基督,更是和祂建立起亲密的关系,更喜爱读圣经,祈祷和领受圣事,进而乐意出来服务并且为主做见证。



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