Everybody is invited to participate!

邀请大家发送家的耶稣诞生场景的照片,我们会收集这些照片,制作成幻灯片,在12月19日的网路圣诞活动中播放。请在 12/15 之前通过电子邮件发送照片 Joanne Chao (joannechao@gmail.com) ,请提供姓名这样我们可以在在照片上显示。

You are all invited to send pictures of your home Nativity Scene, we will make a slideshow for our Christmas party on 12/19 as we did last year. Please take picture (s) of the Nativity Scene(s) you have at home, and email Joanne Chao at Joanne Chao by 12/15/2021 (joannechao@gmail.com). Please include your name so we can display it in the Presentation.

2020 Christmas Zoom Party Slideshow: