中国农历新年祭祖弥撒 1/29/2017

中国农历新年祭祖弥撒 1/29/2017

摄影 Photographer: misc

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Meeting With Bishop 1/29/2017

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五街庆新春 1/29/2017

摄影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Decorate Church for Chinese New Year Mass 1/28/2017

摄影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Epiphany Chinese New Year Celebration 1/27/2017

摄影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Arise Small Group Leaders Training 01/15/2017

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婴儿领洗 Baby Baptism [Photo] 12/25/2016

摄影 Photographer : 蔡圣如 George Tsai

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圣诞节弥撒 Christmas Mass [Photo] 12/25/2016

摄影 Photographer : 蔡圣如

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圣诞子夜弥撒 Christmas Eve Mass [Photo] 12/24/2016

摄影 Photographer : 蔡圣如 George Tsai

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圣诞晚会 Christmas Party [照片] 12/18/2016

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晚会主题: 基督是万民之光 Lumen Gentium
时间: 12/18 (Sun) 4:30PM-8PM
地点: Parish Hall

Christmas Party 12/18 (Sun) 4:30 PM – 8 PM
Theme: Lumen Gentium
SJCCM annual Christmas party will be held on 12/18. You, your family, and friends are cordially invited to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus with us. There will be dinner and Christmas show / program.

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