MANY VOICES, ONE SONG Benefit Concert 11/3/2018

MANY VOICES, ONE SONG Benefit Concert 11/3/2018

Many Voices, One Song: Voices united in faith and in praise of God

Benefit Concert

Date/time: Saturday, November 3, 3pm-5pm
Place: Saint Clare Parish Hall
Contact: Vivian Chu 朱玉蓉 (*******)

USCCA (中美天主教文化交流协会) 是满而溢神父以前服务的单位,以促进中美天主教教会及教友之间的交流为宗旨 。他们在美国每二年举办一次conference, 平常则举办China Study Tour 及中国朝圣团,并且每三、四个月出版一次newsletter,让美国天主教团体瞭解中国天主教团体的动态 。
USCCA 一年前由Fr. Michael 接棒,他在Harvard大学物理系毕业后,取得神学博士,并在大学教书 。最近他开始给辅友的大陆访问学者开英文会话班,彼此增进往来和沟通,并保持满神父在时的传统。因为这个组织的经费有限,活动很多,希望大家能大力支持此次募款音乐会(时间是11/3 周六3-5pm),音乐会后有点心招待!为方便统计人数, 请在下面的 RSVP Here 报名参加。谢谢!

The San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission Choir will host a benefit concert to highlight the work of the US-China Catholic Association and its efforts in support for the Church in China. Fr. Michael Agliardo, director of the China Association, will speak. The Mid-Peninsula Chinese Catholic Community Choir, the Chinese Catholic Community Choir at St. Joseph’s, Fremont, and renowned Jesuit composer Fr. Bob Fabing will also perform. The event feature works of Fr. Fabing and local artist Jerry Chu. A reception will follow.

There is no admission fee. However, so that your hosts know how many to expect, please RSVP here (请在下面网站报名):

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9/22/2018 中秋节晚会照片

摄影: 吴兴民

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第一名: Fremont 队
第二名: 天主的寳贝
第三名: 月亮队 和 Palo Alto查经小组

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SJCCM 2018将临期避静 11/16-11/18

神师: 饶志成 神父 (耶稣会士,现任台北圣家堂主任司铎)
时间: 2018年11月16日5:00pm 晚餐 – 11 月18日12:00pm 午餐
地点: St. Clare’s Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Road, Soquel, CA 95073
费用: Private room with private bathroom – $190
Private room with shared bathroom with another room – $185
Double room – $165 per person
查询: 吴兴民, *******

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2018 SJCCM Faith Sharing Groups

2018 SJCCM Faith Sharing Groups

Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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2018-8-18 教理教学法讲座照片

摄影: 李立钧, 廖焕中

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2018 Guadalupe Pilgrimage Album


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中秋节晚会 Moon Festival Potluck 9/22/2018

中秋节晚会 Moon festival potluck
日期/时间: 9/22 ((星期六), 5pm-8pm
地点: St. Clare Parish Hall

晚会将免费提供丰盛的晚餐, 水果, 和月饼。同时也欢迎您带来拿手好菜与大家分享。

1)如果您能歌善舞,愿意在晚会上展示自己的才艺,敬请联系Jeff Chen:*******
哥伦布骑士团将为本次晚会提供酒水义卖服务。所有收入将捐赠给Colombian Foundation的加州智障儿童基金。

为统筹准备食物,请尽快上网报名(For food preparation purpose, please RSVP at:):

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2018 Summer Basketball Tournament Album

Photographer:Andy Sun

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Please follow the below link to download the original photos:

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2018 Summer Badminton Camp Pictures

Photographer: Daniel Wang

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For more pictures, please click the below link:
2018 Summer Badminton Camp Pictures

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8/11/2018 年度回顾与前瞻

摄影: 欧神父, 吴兴民

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