8/12/2018 曾庆导神父主讲「圣经中的圣母」

8/12/2018 曾庆导神父主讲「圣经中的圣母」

摄影: 吴兴民

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Power Point File:

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摄影: 吴兴民

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SJCCM Annual Summer Retreat 8/11/2018

2018 Annual Reflection and Planning 年度回顾与前瞻
Theme: Becoming a living Gospel! 成为活生生的福音!
Date/Time: 08/11/2018 (Sat) 1:00-5:30 PM
Place: St. Clare Lower Church

网上报名(Online Registration):

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耶稣会艾立勤神父2018年暑假讲座 8/25, 8/26

大多数虔诚的天主教徒都知道, 一些失控和极端破坏性的事情, 像火车失事一样地给当代美国、欧洲和臺湾的家庭和社会,生活带来了文化、道德和精神上的破坏。但很少有人理解这一破坏的主要根源是当代的性解放运动。良善的人在受苦,但他们不知道为什么。年轻人尤其是这一运动的受害者。虽然我们不同意这些的行为,但是我们也不知道要如何开口或面对。

地点:St. Clare Lower Church
时间:   8/25/2018, 1 pm – 5 pm 讲座
联络人: 吴兴民 shingmin.wu@gmail.com,  杨彤芳 yvonnetchow@gmail.com

Fr. Louis Aldrich San Jose seminar in summer 2018
Theme: Catholic Perspective on the Sexual Liberation Movement
Speaker: Fr. Louis Aldrich
Date/Time: 8/26/2018, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm in English
Location: St. Clare Classroom 2
725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
Contact : Damien Wang, *******

Most faithful Catholics know that something out of control and extremely destructive (like a train wreck) has brought cultural, moral and spiritual devastation to the family and social life of contemporary USA, Europe and Taiwan. But few understand the main source of this devastation: the contemporary sexual liberation movement. Good people are suffering and they do not know why. Young people especially are victims of this movement. Although we do not agree with the behavior, we do not know how to dialogue with or face them.
In this seminar, Fr. Aldrich will take us to see the results of the sexual liberation in the history. He will also take us to see, the social liberation of today, what is going on! And we’ll talk about what we can do as a faithful.

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6/10/2018 Fr. Francis Kalaw Ordination Celebration Album

摄影: 吴兴民

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6/10/2018 Fr. Francis Kalaw First Mass Album

Photographer:George Tsai

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慕道前期班 8/5/2018 – 8/26/2018

2018 Family Camp Album

5/6/2018 CM Confirmation Album

Photographers:George Tsai, Fr. Olivera

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4/29/2018 First Communion Album

Photographers: George Tsai, Michael Savage

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