3/31/2018 Easter Vigil Album

3/31/2018 Easter Vigil Album

Photographers: George Tsai, Shingmin Wu

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Father Olivera invites you to read 1st & 2nd Corinthians during the Easter Season.


4/1-4/7 格前  1 Cor  Chapter 1-4
4/8-4/14 格前  1 Cor  Chapter 5-8
4/15-4/21 格前  1 Cor  Chapter 9-12
4/22-4/28 格前  1 Cor  Chapter 13-16
4/29-5/5 格后  2 Cor  Chapter 1-4
5/6-5/12 格后  2 Cor  Chapter 5-9
5/13-5/19 格后  2 Cor  Chapter 10-13
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2018 家 庭 信 仰 生 活 营 (Family Camp) 5/25-5/27

主题 (Camp Theme):家庭奥运 (Family Olympic)
时间 (Camp Date):5/25/18 Friday 5:00 PM to 5/27/18 Sunday 2:00 PM (Memorial Day Weekend)
地点 (Camp Location) : Saint Clare’s Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Glen Road, Soquel, CA 95073. TEL: (831) 423-8093

辅导 (Camp Priest):Fr. Joseph Zhang
Fee: Please calculate your family total fee using (1) or (2) below, whichever lower will be applied.

(1)SJCCM rate:
• Parents with kid(s) 5 years old or under: $350;
• Parents with 1 child older than 5: $400;
• Parents with 2 children older than 5: $450;
• Parents with more than 2 children older than 5: $500.

(2) Retreat Center rate:
• Adult (18 years old or above): $185/person
• Teen (13 ~ 17 years old): $168/person
• Kid (6 ~ 12 years old): $90/person
• Kid (5 years old or under): free

(3) For individuals invited by family (e.g grand parents, friends, etc), retreat center rate will be applied.

联络人 (Contacts) :

● Stella Wong 电话: (408) 688-4123 E-Mail: ******* (San Jose, etc.)
● Tinny Chai 电话: (650) 387-8687 E-Mail: ******* (Fremont)
活动 (Activities) : 家庭奥运 – Family Olympic 趣味游戏 – Camp Games 亲子同乐 – Family Craft
童心同趣 – Scouting Fun 父母座谈 – Parents Workshop 才艺天地 – Talent Show

注意事项 (Notes) :

● 请不要迟到早退 (Please follow camp schedule, do not come or leave the camp early)
● 名额有限, 请及早报名 (Limited rooms available, first come first serve)
Cancellation fee: $30 per family if canceled after 5/1/18

家 庭 信 仰 生 活 营 报 名 表 (Family Camp Registration Form):

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2/24/2018 顾蒙席晋铎三十周年庆典餐会照片

摄影: 吴兴民

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2018 DSJ Rite of Election Album

Photographer: Matthew Ho

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Photographer: George Tsai

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2/18/2018 SJCCM 新年弥撒照片

Photographer: George Tsai

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2/18/2018 SJCCM 新年庆典照片

Photographers: Shingmin, Kern

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日期: 2/24/2018 (周六)
时间: 9:45am: 公唸玫瑰经; 10am: 弥撒; 11:30am : 餐会
地点: St. Joseph of Cupertino Church
10110 N De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
联络: 高爱华, 408-7185199, *******
欢迎大家参加, 请大家告诉大家!

若你有和顾蒙席合影的照片, 请跟高爱华联络
或把你的照片传到爱华的电子信箱*******, 谢谢!

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圣荷西华人天主堂新年庆典 2/18/2018

请邀请亲朋来参与三点祭祖弥撒, 以及弥撒后的传统庆祝活动.
SJCCM Chinese New Year Celebration.
Please invite your friends and relatives to our Chinese New year 3PM Mass and the celebration after Mass.

Dispensation for First Day of the Asian New Year:
Bishop Dispensation (pdf)

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