Alpha First Meeting on 04/07/2024

Alpha First Meeting on 04/07/2024

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四月份「祈祷会」4/13 & 4/27/2024

“凡劳苦和负重担的,你们都到我跟前来,我要使你们安息。” (玛 11:28

曰期:4/13 & 4/27/2024 周六
时间:7:30pm ~ 9:00pm


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SJCCM 2024 启发之旅接受报名

欢迎来到 SJCCM 2024 启发之旅,这是一个安全的空间,供参与者进行坦诚、开放且无评判的对话,以探索信仰对人生的意义与价值。活动详情如下:
时间:从 4/7/24 到 5/26/24 的每个星期天, 5:30PM ~ 7:30 PM
地点:圣荷西华人天主堂(810 Lafayette St,Santa Clara,CA 95050)
联络人:Jessica Chang(、Christina Kuo(
备注:参与人数最多 40 名,国语组已满额, 粤语组名额有限,先到先得,请即时报名

Alpha 2024 Registration Flyer

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圣母军检阅典礼 [照片] 03/16/2024

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Scouts Troop 491 Last Gathering 12/03/2023

Last gathering of our beloved Scouts Troop 491 pictures (12/3/2023).
With Gratitude to Thomas Kung and all leaders for 9 years of work for our youths.
We know that good seeds will produce abundant fruits!

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Scouts Weekend Activities 10/21/2023

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启发之旅第一季 Reunion 照片 07/29/2023

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Pictures of Alpha Table 5 Gathering on 07/11/2023

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Alpha table II post gathering 07/04/2023

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