在我们的家庭名录附录有以下三种篇幅 :

  • 特殊的庆祝活动:为您重要的家庭活动,如婚礼、周年纪念和毕业等。
  • 纪念:为我们已过世的兄弟姐妹们,和曾经为我们服务的已逝世的神父们。
  • 商家广告:从整页到名片大小的广告,如果您或任何朋友有兴趣,请告诉我们!

Dear brothers and sisters,

the Photo directory event is near the conclusion with more than one hundred fifty families participation.

As we are preparing our book, please consider the following three possibilities, just a small donation to cover the cost,

  • Special celebration : for your important family events, such as weddings, anniversaries and graduations.
  • Memorial : for our community departed brothers and sisters, including priests that have minister to us.
  • Business Ad : for advertising in the directory, from a whole page to a business card announcement, if you or any friend is interested please let us know!

Sample Appendix Pages

If you are interested, please fill out the following form: