Endowment Match – Chinese Catholic Community

The Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County is pleased to announce that a generous donor will match new parish Endowment funds raised this fiscal year! If total donations are $20,000 or more by 9/30/2017, our parish Endowment will receive a $20,000 match. SJCCM will get 4% of $40,000 or more from The Foundation each year. For more details and make donation, please use the link : https://giving.cfoscc.org/sjccm


好消息! 有位善心人士愿意配对赠送$20,000 给我们团体, 条件是我们团体必须在今年九月30日止, 筹到$20,000的募款, 把募得款项放在圣克拉拉天主教社区基金会. 每年基金会会发给我们团体投入总额的4%利息, 假设配赠$20,000加上我们团体募得的$20,000, 每年我们团体将可拿到$1,600($40,000的4%). 详细资料和捐赠请上网 https://giving.cfoscc.org/sjccm