Concomitance and Return of the Precious Blood

经Dcn Ray Gans -The Holy Family Catholic, SJ 许可由Dcn Simon翻译如下:

伴随/并存”(Concomitance)是天主教的教义中宣称耶稣完全存在于每一个圣体圣事中的元素 (element)-即圣体和圣血。这意味着当我们领受圣体或喝杯爵中的圣血时,我们体验到的是全部整体的耶稣基督。
耶稣在若望福音中告诉我们:「凡吃我的肉、喝我的血的,就得永生;在末日我要叫他復活。」在最后的晚餐中,我们在玛窦福音中读到:「他们正吃的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝福了,擘开,递给门徒,说:『你们大家拿去吃,这就是我的身体。』」然后,他拿起杯来,感谢后递给他们,说:「你们大家拿去喝,这是我的血,新而永久的盟约之血, 将为众人倾流,以赦免罪恶。」
我们完全理解许多人可能对大家共饮同一杯爵的圣血有健康上的忧虑,而有些人的确比其他人有更大的风险,更容易受到感染(无论病源为何)。这里想要特别说明的是,领受圣血完全是个人的选择,千万不要有非得去领圣血的感觉,但只要我们做好合理的预防措施(如清洁双手,在领圣血之间擦拭干净杯爵的边缘等),在这个时候领受基督圣血,应该是相当安全的。因此,为了让教友们更充分地参与领受这圣体圣事,我们的主教Cantu已放宽之前对于领受圣血的的限制,鼓励教友们在弥撒中同时领圣体圣血。(Bishop Cantu’s letter )

Dcn Ray Gans from The Holy Family Catholic church in San Jose wrote this article appeared in the 7/9/2023 Bulletin.

Concomitance is the Catholic doctrine that says Jesus is fully present under each Eucharistic species, i.e., the host and the precious blood. This means that when we consume either the host or sip from the cup, we experience all of Jesus.

The justification behind this doctrine is that Jesus Christ is God is invisible; his flesh cannot be separated from his blood or his soul. When we partake in the Eucharist, we consume christ’s glorified body – his body, blood soul, and divinity, the substance of all of our Lord and Savior.

Jesus tells us in John’s Gospel “whoever eats  my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day.”  At the last supper we read in Matthew’s gospel “ While they  were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it and giving to his disciples said “ Take and eat; this is my body.”  Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them saying “drink from it , all of you, fir this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. “

Jesus asked us to do both. When we consume both species of the Eucharist at Mass, we enter into this same act of eating and drinking Jesus body and blood as the disciples did at the Last  Supper.  In other words, by receiving host and cup we participate more fully in the divine mystery of the Eucharist. Both hosts and cup are touchable materials, signs of the real presence of Christ, and while it is not required or essential to receive Jesus under both species, it is the most perfect form of doing so.

The church has accepted the doctrine of concomitance for a long time probably from the beginning. But for the first thousand years or so it wasn’t much of an issue because all Christians received the body and blood of Jesus in both forms at Mass. Over time, however the practice of receiving Holy Communion on the cup by the faithful begin to drop off (due to fears of spillage and other issues ) and by the 15th century the Precious Blood was restricted to the clergy. Church’s laws were revised only 60 years ago to let Bishops return the cup of Christ’s blood to the Faithful in their dioceses.

It is understood that many people may have health concerns about sharing from a common cup, and some people are more at risk (for any source) than others. To be very clear, receiving from the cup is completely optional and no one should feel pressured into doing so, however as long as sensible precautions are in place (sanitizing hands, wiping the rim of the cup between recipients, etc. ), then receiving the Precious Blood should be reasonably safe at this time.  And so, to allow the faithful to participate more fully in the reception of this sacrament, our bishop has relaxed his prior restriction on receiving from the cup.

Even so, as with masks, your personal health and that of your family is your choice and responsibility. If you feel uncomfortable sipping from this cup, that is OK, but please reverence Christ’s Precious Blood with a bow as you pass by when receiving Holy Communion, whether we choose to receive it or not, it is still the most precious drink on earth.