依纳爵灵修研习课 华语第一期

依纳爵灵修研习课 华语第一期

FREE Drive-In Citizenship Application Assistance


Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County: Immigration Legal Services Team would like to invite community members to our *FREE* Drive-In Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop. This is a great opportunity for Legal Permanent Residents who are eligible to Naturalize to receive free legal assistance in order to apply for Citizenship in the United States.

Participants will have an opportunity to have their Citizenship application reviewed by either an Attorney or a Department of Justice Accredited Representative. A staff member will provide corrections, edits, guidance, and legal advice to those who are eligible. We will also provide mailing material so that the applicant can easily submit applications after corrections are made. Staff will determine if the applicant is eligible for a fee waiver, meaning that there is a possibility that the participant may not have to pay the $725 USCIS fee in order to naturalize.

Due to recent Covid-19 Guidelines, we have decided to change the method of how we conduct our workshops in order to maintain both staff and participants safe and healthy. Participants and staff will have minimal contact with each other by maintaining a safe distance and always having personal protection equipment equipped at all times.

*PLEASE NOTE* Participants must register due to a capacity of 30 applications per day. We will be continuing these types of workshops twice a month until the end of the year. If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to call (408)325-5296.

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Catholic Charities Volunteer Opportunity 招募义工

Catholic Charities Volunteer Opportunity Information

A Message From Fr. Jon

The COVID crisis has placed tens of thousands of our neighbors in economic peril. Over 30,000 people depend on Catholic Charities for food each week, and of that number, 22,000 come to our parish locations each week.
As our economy opens up, many of our current volunteers are returning to work and thus, we will need new volunteers. Each food distribution sites requires at least 40 volunteers to run efficiently and safely with current social distancing protocols. Unprecedented numbers of people will need help signing up for public assistance and support in these next few months. While our food distribution relief work requires you to help “in-person”, much of our recovery work can be done from the safety and comfort of home!
Our baptismal call is for us to be the Church, not simply go to Church: We welcome you to invite your parishioners to participate in this incredibly rewarding ministry!
I look forward to working along side each of you in service to our neighbor. Let us love and serve the Lord together.
Fr. Jon Pedigo, STL
Director of Advocacy and Community Engagement
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County

Volunteer Opportunities

Food Distribution Volunteers
Position include: registration, loading, traffic, leads
In order to volunteer you must be between the ages of 14 to 65
Volunteers Needed at the Following Parishes (Click on the Parish where you would like to volunteer to sign up):

Accompaniment Volunteers
Are you looking for a new experience?
Would you like to walk with someone who is struggling right now?
Are you looking to assist someone in a meaningful way during COVID-19 without leaving your home?

This position is geared towards those who are interested in mental health and service navigation. Our Accompaniment Volunteers provide deep emotional and social support to adult clients who have trauma histories and are facing current economic challenges.
Volunteers commit to following clients for a 3 month period (2 hours per week)during which clients and volunteers are mutually transformed through relationship building and service connection.
Our volunteers are supported by full time staff clinicians and through ongoing training and engagement.
This position can function in person or virtually, making it ideal for volunteers who may not be able to help outside of their house in light of COVID-19.
We are looking for Volunteers who speak Spanish, Vietnamese and English.
All volunteers must complete a 4 week training (one evening per week) and pass a Livescan background test and TB test.
Virtual Training will be provided on the following dates:

  • Thursday, July 2nd – Trauma and the Mind-Body Connection
  • Thursday, July 9th – ACE Scores and BLESS Method
  • Thursday, July 16th – Service Navigation
  • Thursday, July 23rd – Working With Clients

Each training will be from 5:30 – 7:00 pm and will be virtual.
If you missed the first session and our interested in volunteering please email Lynda DeManti ldemanti@catholiccharitiesscc.org

Referral Volunteers
This position is for those who are primarily interested in service navigation. Volunteers staff a phone hotline during hours that they pre-determine and schedule where community members can call and access quick references for help. This position can take place in person or virtually and is supported by full time staff and a tech platform that makes connecting people to services easy and fast. This position requires 2 – 3 hours of availability per week. All volunteers must complete a 2 hour training and pass a Livescan test and TB test. We can use volunteers who can speak Spanish, Vietnamese or English. If you are available to be one of our referral volunteers, please email Lynda DeManti ldemanti@catholiccharitiesscc.org


  • English/Spanish
  • English/Vietnamese

This position is for those who are bilingual in Spanish/ English and Vietnamese/English. These volunteers would provide translation for documentation and publications. Volunteers would need to be available for 4 hours per month. No background checks required If you can be one of our translators, please email our Volunteer Coordinator, Lynda DeManti atldemanti@catholiccharitiesscc.org

Sip and Sew Volunteers
Twice a month join other volunteers virtually while sewing masks together to support our volunteers at food distribution sites and other public venues. This position is entirely virtual. No background checks required. If you are interested in joining in this project, please email Lynda DeManti, our Volunteer Coordinator at ldemanti@catholiccharitiesscc.org

A Happy Ending…With Your Help
“Jane” is a 26 year old single Latina mother who is 2 months postpartum and a grad student at Santa Clara University studying Criminal Psychology. She is the main income earner for her mother, two younger sisters and new baby.
Jane initially contacted Catholic Charities asking for rent and utility assistance. But after talking on the phone, we learned she was also in need of hygiene products, diapers, wipes, and formula for her baby. Her mother had been admitted to the ICU earlier that morning and her two sisters were doing their best to help Jane but all three of them were overwhelmed. She only had 2 diapers left and a quarter of a can of formula. And there was only one loaf of bread left in the house. They had no money in their bank accounts. We immediately dispatched the Parish Engagement team.
Within 48 hours, the parishioners from Santa Teresa, guided by Lynda DeManti, had delivered 1,000 wipes, 6 boxes of diapers, a bassinet, a rocker, a swing, piles of clothing, hygiene products for Jane and baby, 4 Costco cans of formula, blankets, toys, and books. People sent money in the forms of gift cards and donations. Martha’s Kitchen granted Jane $1,000. A lactation consultant and other women offered to go through our Accompaniment training to be mother’s helpers to Jane. Another parishioner offered her a job at Target!
When we were able to surprise Jane with these gifts and good news, she was visibly overwhelmed. And this was the quote that stuck with our team the most: “I can’t wait to take a shower with my baby with soap.”
The poverty that our clients face every day is real. But so is the kindness of our parishioners. The way that the community responded to this call and bought the supplies, dropped them off at the Parish and offered to walk with a young woman they don’t know – but knew that they could support – this is true accompaniment in action. This is the work of Parish Engagement.

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在湾区服务多年的潘大年神父于去年10月辞世,回归父家。在Fremont 团体经过五个月的精心编辑后,潘神父的纪念册即将出版。由于纪念册不出电子版,且只计画印刷一次,纪念册制作小组需要预估印刷数量,在6月15日前接受预订,每本US$10。潘神父是天主给华人教友的礼物!相信这本纪念册能够使许多读者感动感召,让我们一起努力,在天主的带领下,将耶稣基督的爱和福音传给更多的人!

SJCCM 的教友可以向吴兴民 Shingmin Wu登记 (shingmin.wu@gmail.com or 408-887-7888),请注明联络方式和订购数量。

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Fremont 华人天主教团体在筹备出一本纪念我们敬爱的潘大年神父的纪念册,向大家征集纪念文章。欢迎Fremont 团体外的弟兄姐妹来写纪念潘神父的文章。

潘神父为华人的福传发展呕心沥血,十载二十载如一日,任劳任怨。潘神父的福传和服务的足迹不仅在我们湾区,也延伸到了Davis,Sacramento 等地方。
请将纪念潘神父的文章email 给Fremont 团体月刊编辑负责人时蕙兰姐妹。

– 时蕙兰姐妹email 地址:cccsj.newsletter@gmail.com, shih_margaret@yahoo.com
(注意:请你同时发给以上两个电子邮箱,以免有的email 被归入junc email,时蕙兰姐妹在收到后会回复“收到”。若你没有收到回复,请向她follow up, 以免漏了你的文章,非常谢谢! )
– 中文:不超过1000个中文字。
– 英文:不超过400个英文单词。
纪念文章截止日期:2020 年3月1日
– 若是中文,请务必请你将纪念文章用中文输入成电子版寄给时蕙兰姐妹。

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日期: 10/4 (星期五) 6:00 pm 至 10/6 (星期日) 5:00 pm
地点: Staybridge Suites- 321 Cypress Dr. , Milpitas, Ca. 95035

诚挚地邀请你们自己, 共渡一个完全属于你们的温馨周末: 只有贴心的交谈, 和细心地聆听彼此的倾诉, 并重燃埋在内心深处的爱情之火. 天主保佑! 今年名额己满, 请上网登记后补


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祝贺中半岛华人团体乔迁之喜 1/6/2019

Photographer: Jessica Wang

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St. Gregory Church (圣额我略教堂), 2715 Hacienda Street/28th Ave. San Matero, CA 94403
主日弥撒时间: 每周日下午3:00

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12/1/2018 Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference Album

Photographer:Nelson Lao

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Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference 11/04/2017 Pictures

Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Photographer: George Tsai

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