Easter Vigil Mass [photos] 03/30/2024

Easter Vigil Mass [photos] 03/30/2024

入门圣事: 九位新教友接受了圣洗坚振圣体圣事; 一位教友由基督教转入天主教。

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Lords Supper Mass on 03/28/2024

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Preparing the Last Super of Jesus Mass 03/27/2024

Preparing the Mass of the Last Supper of Jesus Mass for Holy Thursday in the Parish Hall, thank you so much for the many volunteers of the Cantonese and Mandarin community who came to help, some of them are not in the picture. Together we did it quickly and joyfully, what a blessing!

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The Rite of Election on 02/19/2024


Click to watch the short video.

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The Rite of Sending on 02/18/2024

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庆贺春节祭祖弥撒及茶会 2/11/2024 [照片]


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Dcn. Simon Attend Interfaith Remembrance Service on 01/18/2024


圣荷西华人天主堂的廖焕中执事 于 1/18 参加圣塔克拉拉医学中心的年度跨宗教族裔的追思已亡祈祷会。
祈祷会由Fr. R. McKay 主礼。 共有四位天主教执事,偕同佛教,基督教, 印度教及犹太教的代表叄加。

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Epiphany 10th Anniversary on 01/14/2024

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Baby Baptism on Holy Family Sunday 12/31/2023

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5th Street Christmas Celebration & Baptism on 12/25/2023

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