2024 SJCCM 成人慕道班开始接受报名

2024 SJCCM 成人慕道班开始接受报名

本年度慕道班将于2024年9月1日正式开始。这一期慕道班的教理课程继续在教堂进行,时间是周日下午 4:15 – 5:30。为方便远距离的慕道友,将同步提供 Zoom 线上参与。(St. Clare 教堂地址: 941 Lexington Street, Santa Clara, CA)

1. 吴兴民:shingmin.wu@gmail.com
2. 欧维礼神父:fr.olivera@gmail.com


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Feast of Chinese Martyrs Mass and Celebration on 07/07/2024

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Feast of Chinese Martyrs Mass on 07/07/2024

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Feast of Chinese Martyrs After Mass Celebration on 07/07/2024

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Picture with Fr. Olivera on 07/07/2024

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凡劳苦和负重担的,你们都到我跟前来,我要使你们安息。 (玛 11:28)


曰期:7/13 (介绍舌音祈祷) & 7/27
时间:7:30pm ~ 9:00pm


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SJCCM 灵修讲座 08/31/2024

主讲: 李碧圆修女
主题: 多重宇宙中的天地人共舞
日期:8/31/24 (周六)
时间:9:30AM – 4:00PM
地点:The North Hall
费用:$20 (含午餐、点心、水果、茶水)
报名: 请在 SJCCM 网上报名

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十五年前的回忆及感恩-25th Years of Priesthood of Fr. Olivera on 06/21/2009

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2009年6月24日是我晋铎25周年的日子,那是我到这个团体的第一年,那天Bishop McGrath 为我们主祭了一台难忘的感恩弥撒。







A Journey of Blessings: Celebrating 40 Years of Priesthood

Dear SJCCM friends,

June 24, 2009, was the 25th anniversary of my ordination. It was also my first year with this community. On that day, Bishop McGrath celebrated an unforgettable thanksgiving Mass with us.

During that joyous occasion, friends from the community gave me two large posters filled with blessings and prayers. These precious gifts have accompanied me for fifteen years. Now, as I celebrate my 40th anniversary as a priest, I once again look at each blessing and signature, and my heart is filled with endless gratitude.

Of course, these fifteen years have flown by for all of us. I look back with gratitude at each blessing, realizing that many of those who signed back then are no longer with our community. Some were teenagers at the time and have now grown up and started families; some have moved to Taiwan or other places; and some have returned to our heavenly home.

Over the years, despite moving several times, I have kept these signed posters. Starting today, I will share these precious blessings with you in this newsletter, one by one. Each signature holds special meaning, and they are all engraved in my heart.

Please continue to pray for me, that I may remain a faithful witness of Jesus.

May we all continue to grow in His love.

Fr. Olivera

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李克勉主教专题讲座 7/12/2024

主题: 从教会法学者看祈祷 – 弥撒
时间: 7 月 12 日 美国星期五, 加州 6pm-7:30pm 纽约 9 pm
为寄发 ZOOM ID 请先上网报名 https://tinyurl.com/yeo5netl
感恩慷慨, 请用信用卡贊助 : http://tinyurl.com/y3y2mbqf ($20)

简介: 李克勉主教是华人教会内少数拥有 Canon Law「教会法」博士 PhD 学位的神职人员, 也是我们天主教会内杰出的牧者。
1985 毕业于辅仁大学哲学系
1989 年毕业于爱尔兰湄努斯学院神学院
1996 至 2002 年在圣托马斯大学取得了教会法博士学位

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与周枢机寻找内在的自由 6/15/2024「照片」

Visit of Cardinal Chow on 06/15/2024


Join us for a special event in June as Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J., the Bishop of Hong Kong, visits the Bay Area to meet with the Chinese Catholic community. Hosted by the SJCCM Cantonese Group, this half-day event will feature the Cardinal sharing insights on inner freedom, followed by a Q&A session.

香港主教周守仁枢机在六月份到访湾区,与湾区华人天主教徒见面。我们诚邀大家参加由 SJCCM 粤语组主办的一个特别活动,主题为「与周枢机寻找内在的自由」。

Speaker 主讲:Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J. 周守仁枢机
Language 语言:Cantonese 粤语
Date 日期:6/15 (Saturday 星期六)
Time 时间:9:30am – 1:30pm
Venue 地点:St. Clare Parish Hall 礼堂/教堂
Fees 费用:$20

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2024-2025 YCM Registration

To all parents in our community: please register your child(ren) for our Youth Faith Formation (YCM) Program ASAP. Our teachers are deep in preparation for the next school year. If you haven’t already, you can do so using the registration link HERE.

The school year will begin with a Welcome Back Celebration on Sunday, September 15th at 3:00pm followed by Mass at 4:30pm and look out for further details regarding a parent orientation before then.

If you have any questions, contact Rosemary DeAragon at sjccm.dre@gmail.com.
CM Registration Flyer

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日期/时间: 2024年10月31日 (4 pm) ~ 11月5日 (10 am)
地点:Maryknoll 23000 Cristo Rey Dr, Los Altos, CA 94024
费用: 食宿费 $ 680 灵修指导费请自由奉献
1)点击以下link完成此Google form表格,并回答其中问题, 然后呈交SUBMIT

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