2021 圣诞晚会抽奖注册 Christmas Party Raffle Registration

2021 圣诞晚会抽奖注册 Christmas Party Raffle Registration


注册是以每个家庭为一单位。 无法使用网路注册的人,可以请家人或朋友代理,使用代理人的电子邮件和电话号码进行注册。主持人将宣布获奖者的姓名,中奖者必须在Zoom上出现。 获奖者将收到一封祝贺电子邮件,确认中奖人的电子邮箱,礼品卡(E-card)将通过电子邮件发送给中奖人。

Let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus together through Zoom! Register online (Click to scroll Down) for free and participate in the raffle. There are 25 gift cards for the prize. The deadline for registration is 10pm on December 18.

Raffle Details:
Raffle registration is per household. Seniors who may require assistance with raffle registration can choose a representative and register in the raffle using the representative’s email. When a name is selected during the event, the MC will announce the winner’s name. The person must be present in the Zoom meeting and raise their hand or show a video on Zoom. After a winner is declared he/she will receive an email of congratulation and the gift card will be sent to him/her by email, or to his/her representative.

时间: 12/19/2021, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Zoom ID: 732-732-7732
Questions? Contact us at fr.olivera@gmail.com

Click HERE to review last year Christmas Party

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将临期和好圣事 Reconciliation during Advent & Christmas Season

有关和好圣事 About Reconciliation

  1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (弥撒后) 在St. Clare Church, 欧神父和顾蒙席一起听告解。
  2. 跟欧神父预约在 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (预约连接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)
  3. 此外,随时联系欧神父洽谈适合时间(fr.olivera@gmail.com)
  4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.
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每周通讯 Weekly Bulletin 11/28/2021

主日弥撒 暨 每日祈祷

Advent 1 Hope

主日国语弥撒除了在St. Clare Church现场举行, 也会和平日祈祷一样在网上通过 Zoom 进行 并且 在 sjccm.com首页上直播。

国语弥撒主日 3:00pm
English Mass主日 4:30pm
玫瑰经祈祷平日 8:00pm

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

丙年将临期第一 主日 弥撒视频 11/21/2021 [NEW]

将临期和好圣事 Advent Reconciliation

1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (弥撒后) St. Clare Church, 欧神父和顾蒙席一起听告解。

2. 跟欧神父预约 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (预约连接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)

3. 此外,随时联系欧神父洽谈适合时间(fr.olivera@gmai.com

4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.


日期 : 12/08/2020 周三
时间 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰经时间)
方式 : 网路Zoom (732-732-7732)

圣诞期特别弥撒 暨 活动
Special Events During Christmas Season

圣诞网路晚会 Christmas Zoom Party:
时间: 12/19/2021 主日 7:30PM-9:00PM
活动包括: 圣咏团报佳音,团体表演, Slideshow, 以及抽奖! 欢迎提供更多才艺节目
点此查看抽奖详情 及 注册


圣诞子夜弥撒 Christmas Midnight Mass:
时间: 12/24/2021 周五 7:30PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)

圣诞节弥撒 Christmas Day Mass:
时间: 12/25/2021 周六 3:00PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)

每周一语话圣歌 -「快来至圣默西亚」 [NEW]



[快来至圣默西亚] 原是法国十六世纪的圣歌,后由美国修女翻译成英文 O come,Divine Messiah
Author: Abbé Simon J. Pellegrin;
16th century French Carol
Translator: Sister Mary of St. Philip (1877)
(11/25/2021 林谷)

(NOTE: 此新栏目每周六前推出圣歌新语,  可由SJCCM首页的 灵修资料推荐 进入, 或直接Bookmark 此页)

点 此 了 解 更 多 圣 歌


今年三月,在经过一年疫情期间的线上弥撒, 八位勇敢的圣咏团员组成virtual vocal(远距录音),开始每周选一首歌録制,大家自听伴奏,录自己的声部,再做最后合成。把天主圣神恩赐的音乐才能发挥到极致。使歌声成为虔诚祷声,助人入祷,引人入圣,福传中华!

感谢欧神父送我们的「Gifts from choir」为这网站命名, 恰逢2021的感恩节,愿一切光荣、讃颂,永归于主。

点 阅 详 情 并 欣 赏 学 唱 圣 歌

将临期避静 Photo 暨 Powerpoint [NEW]

点 阅 详 情 并 重 温 避 静 内 容

哥伦布骑士团招人中! Knights Announcement

网上即可加入,访问kofc.org/joinus 并输入优惠码MCGIVNEY2020
填表时,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的骑士团!
详情请谘询Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好圣事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Sunday 3:00PM Mass at St. Clare Church.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

灵修资料推荐 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (NOV 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 11/30/21 : $75,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through 11/30/21 :  $65,200
YTD Variance :  ($9,800)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 5 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

网上奉献操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 圣荷西华人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 周日下午三点 ZOOM 弥撒/圣言分享
     — 教理课程(周四晚上八点到九点)
教理课ZOOM ID/锁码 请联系欧神父索取
如果您或您的亲友有兴趣认识天主教信仰, 愿意认识主耶稣基督及更深入的了解人生的意义,请尽快上网SJCCM.COM 报名登记参加慕道班。或打电话留言: ***-***-**** 或发邮件至
1. 欧维礼神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 汤明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 报 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


粮食银行Second Harvest Food Bank针对疫情的爆发, 设有几种特别的免费服务.
1. 为独居老人或残障者运送食物到府
2. 为需要食物者提供 “驱车抵食物站, 无须下车, 即可领取食物”
3. 协助失业或低收入者申请政府粮食券

请关注您周遭需要帮助者, 联络工作人员陈莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我们为小兄弟所做的, 就是为主做。




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日期 : 12/08/2020 周三
时间 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰经时间)
方式 : 网路Zoom (732-732-7732)
圣母无染原罪始胎节 12/08

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每周通讯 Weekly Bulletin 11/21/2021

主日弥撒 暨 每日祈祷

Happy ThanksGiving 2021

新冠疫情期间, 国语弥撒和祈祷将在网上 Zoom 进行 同时 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

国语弥撒主日 3:00pm  [不必报名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰经祈祷平日 8:00pm

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年基督普世君王节 主日 弥撒视频 11/21/2021 [NEW]

基督普世君王节弥撒 及 团体38周年庆 照片 11/21/2021 [NEW]

Christ The King Sunday & SJCCM Anniversary celebration

Click to View the photos

将临期和好圣事 Advent Reconciliation [NEW]

1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (弥撒后) St. Clare Church, 欧神父和顾蒙席一起听告解。

2. 跟欧神父预约 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (预约连接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)

3. 此外,随时联系欧神父洽谈适合时间(fr.olivera@gmai.com

4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.

始胎无原罪圣母ZOOM弥撒 [NEW]

日期 : 12/08/2020 周三
时间 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰经时间)
方式 : 网路Zoom (732-732-7732)

圣诞期特别弥撒 暨 活动 [NEW]

Special Events During Christmas Season

圣诞网路晚会 Christmas Zoom Party:
时间: 12/19/2021 主日 (具体时间待定)
活动: 圣诞晚会抽奖注册

圣诞子夜弥撒 Christmas Midnight Mass:
时间: 12/24/2021 周五 7:30PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)

圣诞节弥撒 Christmas Day Mass:
时间: 12/25/2021 周六 3:00PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)


Sumus Ecclesia: 拉丁文, 意为 We are the church, 是圣荷西主教区 Jubilee song, composed by local musician Gregory Dale Schultz, 11/27/2005 in celebration of San Jose diocese 25th jubilee year。 当时的Bishop Patrick McGrath 巡迴各教区,1/23/2006到了我们堂主祭中国新年弥撒,听完圣咏团进堂时唱这首歌,禁不住説道:「这是我走过教区53个堂口,唯一能将这首歌唱得这么好听的团体」。当时的指挥是Maria Shao, 有30多位团员唱。今年我们幸得choir pilot team 八位团员勠力合作,把这首不容易的四部歌曲唱起来, 来conclude San Jose diocese 40 Jubilee year。愿一切光荣赞美归于天主!

点 此 观 赏 学 唱

哥伦布骑士团招人中! Knights Announcement

网上即可加入,访问kofc.org/joinus 并输入优惠码MCGIVNEY2020
填表时,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的骑士团!
详情请谘询Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好圣事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

灵修资料推荐 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (OCT 2021)

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 10/31/21 : $60,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through 10/31/21 :  $51,900
YTD Variance :  ($8,100)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 4 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

网上奉献操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 圣荷西华人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 周日下午三点 ZOOM 弥撒/圣言分享
     — 教理课程(周四晚上八点到九点)
教理课ZOOM ID/锁码 请联系欧神父索取
如果您或您的亲友有兴趣认识天主教信仰, 愿意认识主耶稣基督及更深入的了解人生的意义,请尽快上网SJCCM.COM 报名登记参加慕道班。或打电话留言: ***-***-**** 或发邮件至
1. 欧维礼神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 汤明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 报 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


粮食银行Second Harvest Food Bank针对疫情的爆发, 设有几种特别的免费服务.
1. 为独居老人或残障者运送食物到府
2. 为需要食物者提供 “驱车抵食物站, 无须下车, 即可领取食物”
3. 协助失业或低收入者申请政府粮食券

请关注您周遭需要帮助者, 联络工作人员陈莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我们为小兄弟所做的, 就是为主做。




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基督君王节英文弥撒 及 团体周年庆 照片 11/21/2021

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SJCCM 2021 将临期避静-[Photo & Doc]


避静 Retreat Powerpoint

(Powerpoint might take a moment to load up. Thanks for being patient.)

天主之母在法蒂玛和日本秋田唿吁祈祷、悔改和补赎,并警告如果世界不悔改, 它和教会将遭受一个很大的惩罚。教会未能遵循天主之母的信息,导致国家和教会的很大惩罚:中国天主教会自从共产党控制中国至今的的苦难,以及美国天主教会内对祈祷和悔改的失败,导致了「俄罗斯错误的传播」马克思主义的文化。我们如何安排我们的生活,更完美地遵循天主之母在法蒂玛和秋田的讯息。

神师 : 耶稣会艾立勤神父 (Rev. Lou Aldrich SJ)
主题 : 天主之母在法蒂玛和日本秋田的唿吁
地点/方式 : Zoom 在家线上避静。
日期 : 11/20/2021
时间 : 10:00am – 4:00pm (包括四次20-30分钟个人静默祈祷时间和一次午休时间)
避静费用: 免费,欢迎自由奉献
1. 11/17 报名截止。必需在网路上报名
2. 如果没收立即受到报名确认电邮,请查看Spam Emails (垃圾邮件)。
3. 为了网路安全,避静的 Zoom ID、Passcode 以及连结将在11/19 以前电邮寄给您。

如果您选择 Zoom 线上避静,请在避静前确认下面几件事
1. 您用的电子设备 (laptop, iPad, or smart phone) 已安装 Zoom App
2. 您的Zoom 帐号是以您的名字作为 Display Name
3. 熟悉 Zoom 的基本操作:开启及关闭麦克风和摄影机
4. 为了网路安全,请勿将避静的 Zoom ID 和连结转传给其他人
5. 如果您的家人,亲友希望用自己的电子设备参加避静,请他们分别报名

1. 吴兴民 (shingmin.wu@gmail.com)
2. 杨彤芳 (clmadvancement@gmail.com)


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每周通讯 Weekly Bulletin 11/07/2021

主日弥撒 暨 每日祈祷

Indoor Mass

请点下面LINK 查看主日国语弥撒详情, 并报名。

新冠疫情期间, 国语弥撒和祈祷也将在网上 Zoom 进行 同时 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

国语弥撒主日 3:00pm [敬请报名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰经祈祷平日 8:00pm

查阅详解 暨 教堂内国语弥撒因人数限制, 请务必报名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期 第三十二主日 弥撒视频 11/07/2021 [NEW]

2021 将临期避静 11/20/2021 [NEW]

主题 : 天主之母在法蒂玛和日本秋田的唿吁
神师 : 耶稣会艾立勤神父 (Rev. Lou Aldrich SJ)
时间 : 2021年11月20日 (星期六), 10:00am – 4:00pm
地点 : 楼下教堂实体避静 (限30人) & Zoom 线上避静

点阅详情 并 报名

哥伦布骑士团招人中! Knights Announcement

网上即可加入,访问kofc.org/joinus 并输入优惠码MCGIVNEY2020
填表时,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的骑士团!
详情请谘询Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好圣事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

灵修资料推荐 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (OCT 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 9/30/2021 : $45,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 9/30/21 :  $42,850
YTD Variance :  ($2,150)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 4 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

网上奉献操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 圣荷西华人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 周日下午三点 ZOOM 弥撒/圣言分享
     — 教理课程(周四晚上八点到九点)
教理课ZOOM ID/锁码 请联系欧神父索取
如果您或您的亲友有兴趣认识天主教信仰, 愿意认识主耶稣基督及更深入的了解人生的意义,请尽快上网SJCCM.COM 报名登记参加慕道班。或打电话留言: ***-***-**** 或发邮件至
1. 欧维礼神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 汤明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 报 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


粮食银行Second Harvest Food Bank针对疫情的爆发, 设有几种特别的免费服务.
1. 为独居老人或残障者运送食物到府
2. 为需要食物者提供 “驱车抵食物站, 无须下车, 即可领取食物”
3. 协助失业或低收入者申请政府粮食券

请关注您周遭需要帮助者, 联络工作人员陈莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我们为小兄弟所做的, 就是为主做。




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Halloween/All Saints Day Event On 10/31/2021

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每周通讯 Weekly Bulletin 10/31/2021

主日弥撒 暨 每日祈祷

Indoor Mass

请点下面LINK 查看主日国语弥撒详情, 并报名。

新冠疫情期间, 国语弥撒和祈祷也将在网上 Zoom 进行 同时 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

国语弥撒主日 3:00pm [敬请报名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰经祈祷平日 8:00pm

查阅详解 暨 教堂内国语弥撒因人数限制, 请务必报名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期 第三十一 主日 弥撒视频 10/31/2021 [NEW]

2021网上信仰培育会议 11/4-6/2021

日期 : 11/04-06/2021
费用 : $25
国/粤语讲座讲者 : 徐镜尧神父 Fr. Luke Tsui
                 高夏芳修女 Sr. Maria Ku, FMA
报名 : https://www.hopehealrenew.org

点 阅 详 情

哥伦布骑士团招人中! Knights Announcement

网上即可加入,访问kofc.org/joinus 并输入优惠码MCGIVNEY2020
填表时,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的骑士团!
详情请谘询Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好圣事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

灵修资料推荐 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (SEP 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 9/30/2021 : $45,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 9/30/21 :  $42,850
YTD Variance :  ($2,150)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 96% of Sunday collections goal during the first 3 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

网上奉献操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 圣荷西华人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 周日下午三点 ZOOM 弥撒/圣言分享
     — 教理课程(周四晚上八点到九点)
教理课ZOOM ID/锁码 请联系欧神父索取
如果您或您的亲友有兴趣认识天主教信仰, 愿意认识主耶稣基督及更深入的了解人生的意义,请尽快上网SJCCM.COM 报名登记参加慕道班。或打电话留言: ***-***-**** 或发邮件至
1. 欧维礼神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 汤明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 报 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


粮食银行Second Harvest Food Bank针对疫情的爆发, 设有几种特别的免费服务.
1. 为独居老人或残障者运送食物到府
2. 为需要食物者提供 “驱车抵食物站, 无须下车, 即可领取食物”
3. 协助失业或低收入者申请政府粮食券

请关注您周遭需要帮助者, 联络工作人员陈莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我们为小兄弟所做的, 就是为主做。




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