Confirmation Mass Photos 05/22/2021
First Community Mass Photos 2021
Dear CM Families,
Hope you and families are staying healthy and safe!
We are at the end of CM 2020-2021 school year. Last of CM will be 5/23 and we will be ending it with a ZOOM virtual celebration. More details to come so stay tuned……
Below is the link to CM 2021-2022 registration. We are continuously working with Diocese of San Jose for school re-opening guidance. We will update the community as soon as we receive it and provide more details on school re-opening. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Let us continue to pray for the end of pandemic and well being of everyone of SJCCM community.
Thank you.
Jessica Chang
申请办法:参见ILM网站 并同欧神父联系。
所有毕业生可以继续深造,参加Advanced Lay Leadership Formation Program,应用ILM课程的部分学分来申请神学等硕士学位。男士可通过ALLFP进行执事培训。
Stage ONE: 推荐候选人 Candidates Nomination
5/1/2021 – 5/31/2021
2021 慈悲主日 婴儿领洗 弥撒照片