圣诞晚会抽奖注册 Christmas Party Raffle Registration

圣诞晚会抽奖注册 Christmas Party Raffle Registration

圣诞晚会 Christmas Party
圣诞晚会 Christmas Party

Even a global pandemic will not stop us from celebrating with our SJCCM community! Join us this year via Zoom for group performances and win free Amazon gift cards up to $100! Deadline to register: December 18th, 10pm.

奖品有25张亚马逊礼品卡。 获奖者将由网路应用程式抽出,抽奖过程会显示在萤幕上。

注册是以每个家庭为一单位。 无法使用网路注册的人,可以请家人或朋友代理,使用代理人的电子邮件和电话号码进行注册。


中奖者必须在Zoom上出现。 如果中奖者是由他人代理报名,且无法操作Zoom,代理人可以代表中奖者。


时间: 12/20/2020, 4 – 5pm
Zoom ID: 732-732-7732

Raffle Details:
We will be giving away 25 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be randomly chosen using an internet application that will be visible on the screen of the participants.

Registration is per household. Seniors who are not able to register can choose a representative from family or friends who can help them to register using their email and phone number.

When a name is selected during the event, the MC will announce the winner’s name. The person must be present and raise their hand or show video on Zoom. If he/she is a senior who is not able to control Zoom, his/her representative will do in his/her name.

After a winner is declared he/she will receive an email of congratulation and the gift card will be sent to him/her by email, or to his/her representative.

Contact us at rosemary.hua@gmail.com

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主日前夕弥撒 Sunday Vigil Mass Photo Gallery


室外主日前夕弥撒 on 12/12/2020

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室外主日前夕弥撒 on 11/28/2020

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室外主日前夕弥撒 on 11/21/2020

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室内主日前夕弥撒 on 11/14/2020


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圣诞期特别弥撒 暨 活动 Special Mass & Events During Christmas Season

童贞玛利亚 ─ 天主之母前夕网路弥撒 Vigil of Mary Mother of God Zoom Mass
时间: 12/31/2020(周四)8PM
Zoom ID: 732-732-7732

童贞玛利亚 ─ 天主之母室外弥撒 Feast day of Mary Mother of God, Outdoor Mass
时间: 1/1/2021,(周五)3PM
地点: St Clare Church, (必须在网站登记

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Nativity slide show for the Christmas party on 12/20/20

To celebrate Christmas during the pandemic this year, we would like to collect pictures of your Nativity Scene at home and make a slideshow for our Christmas party on 12/20. Please take picture(s) of the Nativity Scene(s) you have at home, and email to Joanne Chao at joannechao+SJCCM@gmail.com by 12/14/2020. Please include your names if you want to display it with the picture.

The nativity can be a set, ornament, or any other format (please see attached). If you do not have one yet, it worth to buy one or ask your children to draw a Nativity Scene picture to remember the year of 2020. The year we, like the Holy Family united and struggled through each difficult moment as a family, a holy family in our own way!

在今年的瘟疫期间庆祝耶诞节,我们想收集您家里的圣诞马槽的照片,制作成幻灯片,在12月20日弥撒后的圣诞庆祝中播放。 请拍摄您家里的圣诞马槽场景,将照片在12/14/2020之前电邮给Joanne Chao, joannechao+SJCCM@gmail.com 。如果愿意在照片上显示姓名,请提供姓名。

马槽可以是一套的装组或圣诞树装饰品或任何其他形式(请看附件)。如果您家还没有一个马槽,值得买一个或请您的孩子画一幅圣诞马槽场景,以记念2020年。 这一年,我们一家人如同圣家一样,团结、奋斗、跨越了每一个艰苦时刻,以我们自己的方式也成为一个圣家!

Contact 联络人: Joanne Chao and Yvonne Chow.

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2020 将临期避静 Advent Retreat

主题: 救恩史中的教难与殉道
除了多灾多难的2020,世界各地也不断地传来大大小小的教难。在我们身处的当今社会中,教会的价值观需要靠我们自己来捍卫,让我们准备自己的心灵,来瞭解和默想: 救恩史的歷史与意义,如何应用在我们自己的灵修生活。
神师 : 艾立勤神父
地点: Zoom 线上避静
时间: 12/12/2020 (Sat.), 9:30am – 12:30pm
费用: 免费
报名: 1. 务请在此网上报名,one Zoom account per registration — 报名已截止
2. 为了网路安全, 报名12/10截止后,将会电邮给您Zoom ID、Passcode 和连结
3. 请勿将 Zoom ID 和连结转传给其他人
联络人:吴兴民 shingmin.wu@gmail.com 408-887-7888
杨彤芳 clmadvancement@gmail.com 408-728-0627

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室外弥撒 Outdoor Mass Photo Gallery


室外弥撒 on 10/31/2020 – Baptism Joseph Ku

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室外弥撒 on 09/26/2020 – 刘洪昌神父首祭弥撒

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室外弥撒 on 09/19/2020

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室外弥撒 on 09/05/2020 – First Communion

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室外弥撒 on 08/29/2020

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室外弥撒 on 08/15/2020

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室外弥撒 on 08/08/2020

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室外弥撒 on 08/01/2020

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室外弥撒 on 07/25/2020

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室外弥撒 on 07/18/2020

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室外弥撒 暨 入门圣事 on 07/11/2020

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室外弥撒 on 07/04/2020

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室外弥撒 on 06/27/2020

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首次室外弥撒 on 06/20/2020

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Moon Festival Celebrations in SJCCM

2020 ADA 教区年度奉献

2020年奉献目标: $11,680
2020年奉献总额(至4/28): $ 30,740

2019年奉献总额: $32,495

ADA Video

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慈善机构 – 粮食银行Second Harvest Food Bank针对疫情的爆发, 设有几种特别的免费服务.
1 为独居老人或残障者运送食物到府
2. 为需要食物者提供 “驱车抵食物站, 无须下车, 即可领取食物”
3. 协助失业或低收入者申请政府粮食券,
请关注您周遭需要帮助者, 联络工作人员陈莉娜(408) 693-4284
我们为小兄弟所做的, 就是为主做.

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SJCCM 圣周 HOLY WEEK – (If under Shelter in Place Order for Covid-19)
Using Zoom: https://dsj.zoom.us/j/7327327732

Liturgy  礼仪 Date 日期 Service Time 时间 Language 语言
Palm Sunday 圣枝主日 4/05 Online Mass 网路弥撒 3:00 pm Mandarin中文
Holy Thursday 4/09 Online Mass 网路弥撒 8:00 pm Mandarin中文
Good Friday 圣周五 4/10 Online Stations of the Cross 网路拜苦路 8:00 pm Bilingual English/Mandarin中/英文
Holy Saturday 4/11 We encourage your online participation of the Easter Vigil Mass from San Jose Cathedral, https://www.facebook.com/St.JosephCathedralBasilica  8:30 pm Bilingual English/Spanish英/西班牙文
EASTER SUNDAY 復活主日 4/12 Online Mass 网路弥撒 3:00 pm Bilingual English/Mandarin 中/英文
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