将临期避静 Advent Retreat [音像] 11/18-11/20/2016

将临期避静 Advent Retreat [音像] 11/18-11/20/2016

主题: 默示录中的望德—启示你我!
神师: 钟子月 神父
日期: 2016年 11月18日5:00PM ~ 11月20日12:30PM
地点: St. Clare’s Retreat Centersomt

摄影 Photographer: Shingmin Wu

  • 第一讲 (11/18 evening)
  • 第二讲 (11/19 morning)
  • 第三讲 (11/19 afternoon)
  • 第四讲 (11/19 afternoon)
  • 第五讲 (11/19 evening)
  • 第六讲 (11/20 morning)

Advent Retreat

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钟子月神父讲座 Bible Forum 11/12/2016

摄影 Photographer: Shingmin Wu

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暑期避静 Summer Retreat [Photo] 8/27/16

摄影Photographer: 吴兴民 Shingmin Wu

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主题: 起来! 在基督内共融
时间: 08/27/2016 (Sat) 09:00am – 05:00pm
地点:St. Clare Parish Hall
费用:0元 (包午餐;需报名)

SJCCM 2016 Annual Summer Retreat
Subject: Arise, together in Christ

The main theme of this retreat will be the process “Arise, together in Christ” that we are preparing to begin very soon. During the retreat we want to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and listen again the voice of Jesus calling us to Arise, together in his love. After an introductory meditation by Fr. Olivera we will explain this process in detail, so everybody in the community, English speaking and Chinese speaking, adults and young people, will be able to participate according the personal possibilities. This is a grace of God for all of us, we are all called to participate. During the afternoon we will use some time to talk about our plan for the pastoral year that we are just beginning. Please register as soon as possible!

Subject: Arise, Together in Christ
Time: 08/27/2016 (Sat) 09:00am – 05:00pm
Location: St. Clare Parish Hall
Speaker: Fr. Olivera
Who: All brothers and sisters of our Mission
Fee: $0 (lunch included; registration required)
09:00 – 09:15 arrival
09:15 – 10:20 Mass
10:20 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:30 ARISE/Renew
12:30 – 01:30 Lunch Break
01:30 – 04:00 SJCCM Update and Plan
04:00 – 04:30 Conclusion, Prayer, Blessing

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中华圣母军年度避静 LOM Retreat 8/6/2016

摄影 Photographer: Joy

日期: 8/6/16
时间: 9:30AM – 5:00PM
地点: St. Clare Parish hall
神师: 岳伟利修女
请带圣经! 可邀请非圣母军的朋友!

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林神父礼仪讲座 Fr. Lin’s Liturgy Seminar [Photo & Doc] 07/23/2016

摄影 Photographer: 吴兴民 Shingmin Wu

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礼仪讲座资料 Liturgy Seminar Document



Click to view flyer: 林思川神父-礼仪讲座.pdf

日期 : 7 月 23 日 (星期六)
时间 :弥撒: 9:00am (请提前五分钟进圣堂)
讲座: 9:30am – 4:30pm
地点 : St. Clare Parish Hall (941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050)


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