"And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Luke 11: 9-10
祈祷是我们与天主沟通的方式 Communicating with God
Prayer is an act from God, but also human action; it is from the Holy Spirit, but also the determination of the faithful and God ‘s Will to humanity combined. Prayer brings God and man together in relationship. In engaging in prayer to God, there are three main means of expression: oral prayer, meditation, and prayer from the heart. In prayer, we lift our hearts unto God, speak to God, give our pious expressions of our mind, praise or thanks, repent, or ask for help. Because we believe that God is our loving Father, we as His children can express our love and reveal our hearts to God. In turn, God reveals Himself to us in scripture, meditation, and through our daily life.
祈祷的泉源 Encountering God
There are different ways that can encourage encounters with God. Scripture, our Catholic traditions and religious activities, our encounter with others and activities in our daily lives are some of these sources. The Bible is the Word of God and is a source of prayer and meditation. When we read the Bible, we are listening to God speak and it is a form of His communication with us. Meditating on traditional Catholic prayers, praying the Rosary, and having a prayerful heart and mind during the celebration of Mass are also great sources. Religious activities such as music worship or religious art are also sources. These sources provide a good environment to encourage an encounter with God and gives us the proper mindset in order for us to hear God. This kind of environment and mindset can be brought into everyday life. The activities you do along with the people you interact with can be sources for you to encounter God when you are in a prayerful heart and mindset.

常用祈祷文 Common Prayers
- 圣号经 Sign of the Cross
- 宗徒信经 Apostles’ Creed
- 尼西亚信经 Nicene Creed
- 天主经 (主祷文) The Lord’s Prayer
- 圣母经 Hail Mary
- 圣三光荣经 Glory Be
- 法地玛圣母祷词 Fatima Prayer
- 又圣母经 Hail Holy Queen
- 神领圣体经 Spiritual Communion Prayer
- 痛悔经 Act of Contrition
- 饭前祷 Grace Before meals
- 饭后祷 Grace After Meals
- 主保圣人-大圣若瑟祈祷文 Patron Saint Prayer to St. Joseph
- 信赖天主祷文 Litany of Trust
- 玫瑰月,热心恭敬圣母祈祷文大全
- 炼灵月常用祈祷文整理汇集

特别祈祷文 Special Prayers
- 教宗方济各每月祈祷意向 Pope Francis Prayer and Evangelization Intention
- 炼灵月祈祷30天+炼灵九日敬礼 Divine Mercy
- 慈悲串经 Divine Mercy
- 神圣慈悲九日敬礼 Divine Mercy Novena
- 十月玫瑰月默想31天 Thirty One Days Meditation in the Month of Rosary 2016
- 慕道宣传月祷文 Catechumenate Awareness Month Prayer
- 圣言陪伴的十四处苦路 Stations of the Cross
- 十架上七言默思祈祷 The Seven Last Words of Jesus
- 圣母升天九日敬礼 Novena Prayer for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- 圣Bridget 十五个祈祷 The 15 St. Bridget Prayers
- 向耶稣肩头圣伤祈祷A Prayer to the Shoulder Wound of Christ