In addition to the CM Welcome BBQ on Saturday, September 11th, after the first day of CM on September 19th, our Young Adult Group will be putting on a Welcome Back Dinner for the entire SJCCM community! Everyone is welcome to attend and it will take place at 6pm in the St. Clare rectory garden.
Please use the QR code below (hold your phone’s camera app over the barcode and it should pull up a link to click on) to RSVP so that we can get an accurate headcount for food.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out directly to the organizer, Erika Ho (
RSVP here:
网上即可加入,访问 并输入优惠码MCGIVNEY2020
填表时,在Preferred Local Council填16673即可加入本堂的骑士团!
详情请谘询Frank Yu( 或 Peter Qu(
圣洗圣事 照片
Archbishop Savio Hon, SDB Mass & Talk 8/1/2021