All Saints Day Mass
Date & Time : 11/1/2022 (周二) 8:00PM
Location: St Clare Parish Hall
Date & Time : 11/1/2022 (周二) 8:00PM
Location: St Clare Parish Hall
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 10:00 am Annual Ching Ming Rosary
10:30 am Mass of Remembrance of the Ancestors
Location: Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery – All Saints Chapel
22555 Cristo Rey Dr, Los Altos,
Celebrant: Fr. Carlos Alberto Olivera
感谢天主的恩典, 我们今年四月二十三日在Gate Heaven 举行清明追思祭祖弥撒。
清明时节以感恩弥撒向天主表达崇敬之意, 秉持慎终追远的精神, 为我们的先祖, 己故的亲友, 献上我们虔诚的祈祷。欢迎大家一起邀请亲友们参加。
联系人 : 周湘晓 (408)771-6619
圣灰礼仪弥撒 Ash Wednesday
3/2: 8:00 PM (Mass at St. Clare Church and by Zoom)
四旬期避静 Lenten Retreat (Click for detail)
3/26: 9:00 AM – 5:00PM(St. Clare Lower Church 楼下教堂)>
1. 圣枝主日 Palm Sunday:
4/10: 3:00 PM (Mass at St. Clare Church and by Zoom)
1. 圣周四最后晚餐 Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord Supper:
4/14: 8:00 PM (St. Clare Main Parish Hall and by Zoom)
2. 圣周五双语拜苦路 Good Friday – Bilingual Stations of the Cross:
4/15: 8:00 PM (Online Via Zoom)
3. 圣周六 復活节前夕弥撒 Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil Mass:
4/16: 8:00 PM (St. Clare Main Parish Hall and by Zoom)
4. 復活节弥撒 EASTER SUNDAY – Easter Sunday Mass:
4/17: 3:00 PM (Mass at St. Clare Church and by Zoom)
圣家节弥撒 Holy Family Mass:
时间:12/26/2021 周日 3:00 PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)
天主之母弥撒 Mary Mother of God Mass
时间: 1/1/2022 周六 3:00 PM
地点: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步转播)