日期: 2023年6月3日(星期六) 9:30 am 至 4:00 pm
地点: Baylands Park – 999 E Caribbean Dr. , Sunnyvale, Ca. 94089
BBQ Picnic Space – Baylands Park, BL/ Pickleweed 1
Developed park of 77+ acres on San Francisco Bay with playgrounds, trails & a wetland reserves. There is a $6 parking fee per car at the gate. Car pool is welcome.
9:30 am to 12:00 pm. 家庭联谊,交谈
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. 烧烤聚餐
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. 家庭游戏 (包括: Hiking, family games, drone photo, biking with your own bikes)
All you can eat – Salad bar, Fruits, Texas smoky pork ribs, Tender BBQ Tri-tips, Jumbo Shrimp, Chipotle chicken, Hotdogs & Hamburger and many chef surprises.
All you can drink – Drinking water, Fruit juice, Soda, Beer, Wine and more
收费: 费用全免, 欢迎自由捐献,名额有限,请从速报名。
查询: *徐清及吴恆立夫妇: 626-643-3685 (juliehwu@gmail.com),
*曾淑扬及王绪常夫妇: 408-257-5863 ( bikerwang@hotmail.com ),
*周盛芳及吴鸿业夫妇: 626-390-4707 ( frank.h.wu@gmail.com ),
*饶瑞美及朱健仁夫妇: 510-651-6577 (jerrychu001@gmail.com),
【美国华语夫妇恳谈会】是一个非牟利组织, 全体工作人员都是义务, 并曾受益于夫妇恳谈会。我们都乐意为发展此一有意义的活动而付出一点心力与财力。
请将报名连同人数寄往: frank.h.wu@gmail.com