" He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. " - Mark 6: 31
Nurturing Your Relationships
Your relationship with God is important. Like any relationship, it needs to be nourished with dedicated time and attention in order for it to grow. In order for your relationship with God to mature, continual long-term nurturing needs to occur.
Your relationship with yourself is also important. Scheduling and putting aside a time for your mind, emotion, and spirit is a good way to recharge from daily life. It is a time to pause and discern about our life or about decisions. It is a time to nurture your soul.
Seminars are usually short workshops, usually in one day. Retreats can be longer in time, usually 2-3 days. There are various types of retreats, such as individuals, couples, or groups. There are also retreats with different themes or seasonal.
Events at SJCCM
Here at SJCCM, we can help foster your growth with God and help uplift your spirit. Keep checking back for information on available seminars or retreats. Feel free to go through the material from past events below.
- 将临期工作坊::行动中的默观者::姜有国神父
- 将临期避静 / 生命的復甦:等待祂的来临? / 姜有国神父
- 信仰生活讲座 / 教会伦理与科技道德 / 艾立勤神父
- 四旬期避静 / 逾越的喜乐:相遇基督 / 姜有国神父
- 将临期避静::向天主开放::姜有国神父
- 将临期避静::姜有国神父小传
- 家庭生活讲座 / 漫谈家庭和谐与有效沟通的原则 / 郑玲惠 女士 作者 Administrator
- 工作坊::圣经与名画::金神父
- 工作坊::卢云的神修::胡国祯神父
- 四句期避静 / 我们渴望的根源 / 欧神父、黄凤梧女士
- 工作坊::小牧童基本技能::郑玉英女士
- 信仰讲座::双翼教会::郑玉英女士
- 家庭生活讲座::在困境中找到意义与力量::郑玉英女士
- 信仰讲座::祝福与韧力::郑玉英女士 点击数: 1196
- 将临期避静::福传于华夏(Bring Good News to my people)::韩清平神父
- 将临期工作坊::华夏教会::韩清平神父
- 家庭生活讲座 / 如何面对人生的重大失落及哀伤 / 郑玲惠 女士
- 家庭生活讲座 / 同理心沟通及实际演练 / 郑玲惠 女士
- 家庭生活讲座::由家庭幸统观看人的身心灵成长::郑玉英女士
- 信仰讲座::小牧童与信仰团体繁衍::郑玉英女士